ACG Motors aims to provide high quality services which meet your needs. We believe we achieve this most of the time: if we are not getting it right please let us know. In order to ensure our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a procedure through which you can let us know of for any reason you are not satisfied with your dealings with the organisation. If you are not happy with ACG Motors please tell us If you are unhappy about any ACG Motors service, please speak to the relevant staff member, manager or Director.

If you are unhappy with an individual in ACG Motors sometimes it is best to tell him or her directly. If you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then speak to the staff member’s manager or the Director. Often we will be able to give you a response straight away.

When the matter is more complicated we will give you at least an initial response within five working days.

Making a written complaint If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise the matter more formally, please write to the Director/Chief Executive. (If your complaint is about the Director/Chief Executive), please write to the Chair.) All written complaints will be logged. You will receive a written acknowledgement within three working days.

  • Unit A, Mills Hill Trading Estate,
    Mills Hill Road,
    M24 2FD
  • 0161 655 3647
  • 07701 334 786


We must ask for your assistance in taking the following actions for your website:

Complaints where you are operating under Automotive Compliance’s FCA permissions, the following contact details need to be on this page for complaints:

Regulated Complaints Post: Automotive Compliance Ltd, The Factory, 44 Alfred Street, Gloucester, GL1 4DD Telephone: 01452671560 E-mail:

Financial Ombudsman Service, the following information must also be added to this page: If we cannot resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, you may refer your dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is free to use. Their consumer helpline is available on 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 or you can visit their website at